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Solar attic Fan

Optimum Solar’s high-efficiency attic fan is design to perform in nearly any attic condition to assist in the cooling of any residence or commercial structure. Our unit provides a healthy exchange rate of 1,600 CFM and higher, which allows for cooling of large interior spaces. The power supply solar panel is the latest “state of the art” type, allowing capturing of power even on overcast days. The cove and bas are molded with UV-stabilized steel to prevent damage from sunlight. The specially designed 4-blade nylon fan is pitched for maximum air flow and operates “whisper quiet” with no harmonic noises.

Air Change Rate 1,600CFM or higher
Material Anti-UV, stainless, durable material and finishing.
Solar Panel The latest "state of the art" circuitry captures sunlight even on overcast days. Totally weatherproof, our panels are designed for optimum efficiency and are resistant to hail and extreme weather.
Cover & Base Molded with UV-stabilized steel  to prevent damage from sunlight. The top has a shingled appearance that helps the unit blend in with the roof while also providing additional stability and strength
Fan Blade Specially designed 4-blade, 12'' nylon fan is pitched for maximum air flow. It operates "whisper quiet" with no harmonic noise.
Steel Screen Allows maximum air flow while keeping animals out.
Mounting Hardware 1Stainless steel motor brackets and vertical standoffs provide a flexible and adjustable frame for easy removal or replacement.

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